How to Grow and Care for Kiwi Fruit Plant

The kiwi fruit, also known as Chinese gooseberry, has a yummy yet tangy taste to it that simply excited our taste buds. We all love this green colored fruit with lots of flavor in it, and apart from that, it has various good properties that are overall beneficial to human health. If you have been looking to try and grow the kiwi fruit at your home, then this guide will give you all the information you need. You can also find some fun and interesting facts about kiwi that we are sure you didn’t know before.
The fruit being native to central and eastern China, its origin can be traced to as far back as the 12th century. Kiwifruit grew in popularity during World War 2 after its usage and consumption by British and American servicemen who were stationed in New Zealand at the time. Later, the exports began to many other countries, and that is how kiwi is loved by people all around the world. Kiwi has many attractive health benefits and is more than just a pretty fruit. It is a rich source of vitamin C.
Various Benefits of kiwi
The different health benefits of the kiwi plant are as follows:
- Kiwi fruits contain antioxidants, fibers, and Vitamin C in abundance. These help to prevent the buildup of free radicals in human cells.
- Eating kiwi fruits can help you attain healthy and glowing skin since kiwi fruits contain vitamin c, which plays a big role in producing collagen.
- It is also known to improve sleep quality in adults who had insomnia and other sleep-related issues.
- Kiwi fruits are also excellent to improve overall immunity and also to maintain your heart health.
Features of Kiwi Plant
Usually, the plant has a thick and woody vine. Typically, vines are those plants whose stems need support to grow. The vines are dioecious; this means that both male and female flowers are borne on two separate flowers. Kiwi plant also has deciduous leaves that develop alternately on the leaf stems. These leaves are either oval or somewhat circular. While the leaves are often covered with small and reddish hairs, the kiwi fruits itself has a furry brownish covering. The fruit is usually oblong, and inside, the flesh is green in color with tiny black seeds.
To grow properly, these plants prefer a sheltered yet sunny area with plenty of space around and between them, especially since the vines will be spreading and climbing into the rest of the surroundings. The soil needs to be acidic and well-drained. A PH level of 5 to 7 is required for the plant. It is also preferred that the soil is fertilized and rich in all the required nutrients. Even though you can plant both females and males, and each of these separately, the best-recommended ratio is one male plant per 3 or more females. Also note that, unlike other flowering plants or vegetables, kiwi plants take a significant time to grow, such as more than a couple years, and will take even longer to bear the fruits. As the stems grow and start spreading, they can be tied together. Mulching can be done on the base of the plant and even when the plants are quite young. And for fertilizing, just an all-purpose general fertilizer is recommended.
Yes, kiwi plants are quite easy to grow. All they need are partly shaded to fully sunny regions and enough nutrients in the soil to help them replenish and grow.
The fruits will be borne only after the plant has matured and developed. It can take 2-3 years for its development, and then the fruits will take anywhere between 4-9 years.
While they require sufficient amounts of water, it is also important to make sure that the soil they are planted in is well-drained.