6 Men’s Halloween Costume Ideas

On Halloween, men are ready to try on any makeup and put on costumes that are scarier, but at the same time simpler – those that are comfortable to put on and wear. In order to look mysterious or even repulsive, they usually choose ready-made looks for six of the most sought-after characters.
Men’s Halloween costumes often duplicate female images – these can also be demons, vampires and other popular evil spirits. Hoodies, raincoats or overalls can visually change the proportions of the body, scary masks sometimes cover the entire face. Here the main goal is not to emphasize your beauty with an unusual outfit, but to transform and look frightening.
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Men’s Halloween Costume Idea#1- Death
In ancient times, it was believed that you should not joke with Death and try on its image for yourself. Now this is taken easier, and mystical characters appear in horror films, for example, in Scream. By the way, this image itself has become canonical for Halloween.
To look like Death, you can wear a creepy dark hoodie with flared sleeves, a hood, a scary skull mask and a fake scythe as an accessory. If you do not want to wear a mask, you can simply whiten your face, make a make-up with an imitation of a skull and pull the hood deeper.
Pros: the suit does not lose its relevance and will survive more than one wash if the edges of the mantle are well processed. Can be worn over any clothing.
Cons: braids and masks may not be included in the costume. On a black fabric, lint will be visible, so it is better to have a sticky clothes roller with you.
Men’s Halloween Costume Idea#2- Zombie
A zombie is a resurrected dead man who crawled out of the grave and came to Halloween in search of living people whom he is ready to eat. This is a fashionable character, so there are many tips on the Internet on how to make a DIY Zombie costume from old clothes, such as ripping and smearing fake blood and dirt on your old tracksuit.
If it’s a pity to spoil things or it’s inconvenient to appear in public in old clothes, it’s easier to buy a Zombie costume, for example, the remains of a business suit or rags smeared with fake blood. They will have to do makeup with an imitation of decomposition and traces of a terrible meal. You can find a ready-made scary mask and even imitate claws on your fingers.
Pros: for a spectacular Zombie costume, you don’t need to learn any words, you just need to mumble or growl.
Cons: Suits need to be washed by hand and ironed on a delicate setting.
Men’s Halloween Costume Idea#3- Skeleton
Not a single Halloween is complete without the presence of a person in a Skeleton costume, and this character more often causes a smile than horror, and can be the most fun at the party. Skeletons are one of the most favorite images of boys and men.
On sale you can find a jumpsuit with painted bones, which comes with a full-face mask. Another option is to make a make-up with an imitation of a skull from white and black paint. Instead of a full suit, you can use only the top, for example, put on an unusual bone-print jacket, match it with a top hat with gloves and a cane.
Pros: It’s easy to dance in a spacious jumpsuit and jacket.
Cons: The mask may not be included, and the face will sweat under it.
Men’s Halloween Costume Idea#4- Demon
The demon, or devil, is the closest helper of the devil and a welcome guest at the feast of the forces of evil. To create the simplest costume, it is enough to wear black trousers and a dark turtleneck, and attach ready-made horns to the head.
If you want a spectacular outfit that everyone will photograph, it is better to buy a ready-made costume of the Devil’s Messenger, for example, a classic set of trousers, vest and jacket in fiery red. You can pick up horns for every taste, gloves and a scarf, pick up an infernal trident.
Pros: A man in a red suit can be the main character at a party.
Cons: a trident, and sometimes horns have to be bought separately. The costume must be washed by hand with a detergent for colored fabrics, otherwise it may fade.
Men’s Halloween Costume Idea#5- Vampire
Vampires are frequent guests of Halloween and the favorite characters of many Hollywood directors. Against the background of other monsters, the bloodsuckers look elegant and self-confident, as if they were not going to bite anyone at the holiday.
Putting together a beautiful themed Vampire outfit is not easy: it contains details of a historical costume. It’s faster to buy ready-made. It can only be a top, to which it is convenient to pick up any dark trousers. For example, a set of a satin shirt, a retro vest and a luxurious raincoat with a traditional high collar. Pale make-up with fangs in the mouth will complement the image of the night guest.
Pros: Vampire costumes look expensive because they combine satin and velvet textures. Dressing up as vampires is a very effective option for a couples outing.
Cons: a cane, fangs and headgear are usually not included in the kit – they must be purchased separately.
Men’s Halloween Costume Idea#6- Werewolf
In movies and books, the arrival of a werewolf is always preceded by a dark night, a full moon and a booming howl – this is one of the scariest characters in Halloween. Even if you come to a party dressed as a Werewolf simply by taxi, and not run into the forest, the driver will remember the client for a long time.
It is very difficult to create a realistic Wolfman costume on your own: you need a realistic muzzle of the beast. The finished image will look much more spectacular: a shirt with a vest, through the holes of which thick fur breaks through, and a really scary animal muzzle with a grin.
Pros: The suit is easy to put on and take off, can even be combined with jeans and sneakers.
Cons: only gentle cleaning is suitable for the mask, clothes can be washed by hand. The image may become hot. The price is usually higher than other suits.