25 Best Low Maintenance Perennial Plants

People enjoy the work of creating and maintaining a garden as it beautifies their home. However, most of them prefer holding tasks with low-maintenance required for the plant in your hectic schedule. In such cases, perennial plants are an excellent choice for gardening.
Some of the tips while choosing low-maintenance perennial plants are listed below:
Sun Tolerance
Most of the plants prefer partial shade to full sun. A plant that requires full sun will not bloom well and will be inclined to weak growth and infection if it is planted in the shade while shade-loving plants will dry out or wither if planted in full sun.
The root system is one of the main components of the proper foundation of a plant, and it depends on the condition of the soil. Water will accumulate in inadequately drained sites and heavy loam soil—some plants like being a little mushy with a good drainage system.
The expected lifetime of any perennial plant is 3 years; however, lower-maintenance plants live at least 5 years and longer. Peonies grow for decades while coreopsis and its varieties live a little longer.
In most of the perennial plants, repeated flowers start blooming only when the faded flowers are removed frequently. The leaves of some plants begin to look tattered by mid-summer and require to be cleaned up, especially for spring flowers.
If you have sufficient plants in your garden, they can adequately stake or back each other. But some plants like to drop and look great with some type of staking. There is a need to train and tie that plants to the stake as they grow taller.
Problem-Prone Varieties
It is advisable to avoid plants that are prone to disease caused by some pests or insects. Disease-resistant plants are drought-tolerant plants that are preferred to a maximum extent by the customers.
How To Choose And Care For The Perennial Plant?
- The primary thing before opting for a suitable plant is to check the space you have in the garden to grow them in the best way.
- Check your area conditions and, more importantly, the hardy zone range to sustain their growth.
- Soil is the food to any plant and makes sure the robustness is good enough for the plant to thrive in all conditions.
- Watering them once or twice a week as per the requirement is mandatory for the proper growth of the plant.
- Once they start growing, take care of them by pruning and deadheading flowers to enjoy the beautiful bloom.
With so many varieties, it’s now possible to adorn your home garden, and the best part is to plant them once and enjoy the blooms year after year. In this article, attributes of 25 outstanding low-maintenance perennials are highlighted for your unique landscape design!
1. Sunfinity Yellow Bloom Sunflower Plant
A new variety of sunflower that blooms all season continuously long. The plant can be grown in the ground or large containers with easy maintenance. Due to its free-branching specialty, the lot of blooms can be cut and used indoors without disturbing the outdoor plants and creating a mess out of them. The outside plant will continue to bloom long after the cessation of traditional sunflowers.
- The dimensions of the plant are 48 inches in height and 36 inches in width.
- Fall is the best time to grow this low-maintenance plant.
- The yellow flower is non-fragrant and requires watering when the soil is dry.
- The recommended spacing between the plants should be 12 inches to yield the best results.
- Helianthus ‘Sunfinity is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as just sunflower.
- It requires distinct cultural conditions for the sustainable growth of this 3-4 ft. tall and 2-3 ft.wide plant.
- A location with the full sun (6+ hours) is preferable for the proper growth of the plant.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie in between 4-9.
- One of the rare varieties to produce 100 blooms throughout the growing season.
- Free branching plant.
- Quickly growing plant.
- Requires lots of watering.
- Causes pain at the end of the season.
Q1. What is the growing habit of the plant?
The low maintenance Sunfinity plant usually has a mounded growing habit in the season.
Q2. Can it be grown in containers?
It is advisable to include 1 Sunfinity plant in a 2.25 Gal.pot.
Q3. How many plants are included in one pack?
3 pieces of the plant are included in the pack.
2. Yellow/White/Pink/Red Stonecrop Sedum Tile Groundcover
Sedum Tile Perennials are known for their distinct foliage that usually comes in a wide range of sizes and shapes. These super-resilient plants need only less amount of water for their sustainable growth—the 10in.x10 in. Sedum Tile can be planted in those particular areas where an immediate color is to be filled to add beauty in the place. The creeping varieties produce low-maintenance ground cover in dry, infertile soil where several other plants persist.
- The dimensions of the plant are 6 inches in height and 10 inches in width.
- Spring to fall is the best time to grow this low-maintenance and drought-tolerant plant.
- The assorted color non-fragrant blooms require watering when the soil is dry.
- The recommended spacing between the plants should be 12 inches to yield the best results.
- Stonecrop is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as just Sedum Tile.
- The drought-tolerant plant requires water only in minimal conditions.
- A location with the full sun in well-drained soil is preferable for the proper growth of the plant.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie in between 3-9.
- The easy to care plant is low-growing with a unique color.
- Most-durable perennial on market.
- Can thrive in an average to poor soil.
- Pruning requirements.
Q1. What is the best soil to grow the plant?
Sedum Tile prefers poor and dry soils, but will also thrive in any environment where it is well-drained soil.
Q2. Is it a wildlife attracting plant?
The plant attracts bees, butterflies, and other pests, while it is also deer-resistant.
Q3. Can it be grown as a ground-cover plant?
Sedum is an easy to grow ground-cover plant by receiving at least 6+ hours of sunlight during the day.
3. Sky Blue Marvel Blue Bloom Salvia Plant
Salvia’ Sky Blue Marvel’ is a new addition to the Salvia Marvel Series. It produces stunning spikes of rich violet-blue flowers beautified with purple calyces. It is an attractive dwarf reblooming type that produces color and influence over a long season in both the scenery and containers. This traditional perennial can easily be scheduled and bloom throughout most of the growing season. The vivid flower plant is deer and rabbit resistant also.
- The dimensions of the plant are 12 inches in both height and width.
- Fall is the best time to grow this low-maintenance plant.
- The blue non-fragrant blooms require watering when the soil is dry.
- The recommended spacing between the plants should be 3 inches to yield the best results.
- Salvia Nemorosa ‘Sky Blue Marvel’ is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as just Salvia.
- It requires distinct cultural conditions for the sustainable growth of this 10-12 inches tall and wide plant.
- A location with the full sun (6+ hours) is preferable for the proper growth of the plant.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie in between 4-9.
- The special highlight is its stunning and ultra-large blossoms of sky-blue flowers from summer to fall.
- An attractive accent in borders and edges.
- Reliable, adaptable, and easy to grow.
- Damping-off.
- Powdery mildew.
Q1. When is the best time to plant Salvia?
Salvia can be planted in the late summer or early fall the time before they are to be marketed.
Q2. What zone is the plant to be grown?
It prefers zones lying in the range 4-9 for proper growth.
Q3. What is the desired sun-tolerance?
It performs best in regions from the partial sun to full sunlight.
4. Moonbeam Coreopsis (Tickseed) Live Native Perennial Plant with Creamy Yellow Flowers
Moonbeam Coreopsis is a popular perennial which lightens the garden and containers with creamy yellow appearance. The blooms are especially yielding, and the customer can create their cut-flower arrangements. This deciduous shrub dies back to the ground in winter and return and are evergreen in warmer zones. It is often used in mass plantings container gardens, natural garden beds, and borders.
- The dimensions of the plant are 18 inches in height and 24 inches in width at maturity.
- Spring to fall season is the best time to grow this deer-resistant plant.
- The yellow-colored non-fragrant flowers need watering twice a week under full sunlight.
- Coreopsis Verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Tickseed.
- It is advisable to grow plants within the space of 10ft apart.
- The plant reaches 18 inches in height and 24 inches in weight at maturity.
- A location with full sun in average soils with good drainage is required for better growth.
- The variety is known for its light and fragile foliage that creates a notably bright appearance.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie in between 3-9.
- Heat and Humidity tolerant.
- Low-maintenance plant.
- Delicate Stems.
Q1. Does Tickseed produce fragrant flowers?
The plant produces yellow-colored non-fragrant flowers.
Q2. What is the growing habit of the plant?
Tickseed experiences clumping patterns of growth.
Q3. Does the plant have any state regulations for shipping?
This perennial shrub cannot be shipped to HI, AK, GU, PR, or VI due to existing state regulations.
5. Cherry Cola Red Bloom Heuchera Plant
Heuchera adds charm and red tone to your front borders and edges. The easy to grow plant blend well in the landscape providing textural interest and lively color. The bright cherry-red flowers stand in perfect proportion to the bronzed-red foliage. The gently-lobed leaves make a low mound in a red-brown tint, with bigger stems of cherry-red to salmon bell flowers arriving in late spring and early summer.
- The dimensions of the plant are 10 inches in height and 12 inches in width at maturity.
- The fall season is the best time to grow this plant.
- The plant needs watering when the soil condition is dry.
- Heuchera ‘Cherry Cola’ is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Coral Bell.
- It is advisable to grow plants within the space of 12 inches apart.
- The plant reaches 8-10 inches in height and 16-18 inches in weight at maturity.
- A location with partial sun to full shade is required for the best growth.
- The variety is known for its small cherry-red flowers in contrast to the dark foliage.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie in between 4-9.
- They are used as edging along paths.
- Flowers used for ornamental purposes.
- They can frost heave during winters.
Q1. When does Heuchera bloom?
The flowering time is from late spring to early summer.
Q2. Does the plant produce fragrant flowers?
No, Heuchera produces non-fragrant cherry-red colored flowers.
Q3. What is the growing habit of the plant?
In the region of partial to full shade, it prefers mounded habit during the growth.
6. Paris Pink Bloom Heuchera Plant
Heucheras have bunches of flowers that grow on a long stalk providing textural interest and vibrant color. The delicate flowers stand in absolute proportion and distinction to its bright green foliage. It is often used as edging along in paths due to their low and mounding habit. The foliage tends to endure low and compact right to the ground. The dark green leaves give rise to eternal columns of broad, deep rose-colored flowers.
- The dimensions of the plant are 10 inches in height and 12 inches in width at maturity.
- The fall season is the best time to grow this plant.
- The pink non-fragrant flowers need watering when the soil condition is dry.
- Heuchera ‘Paris’ is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Coral Bell.
- It is advisable to grow plants within the space of 12 inches apart.
- The plant reaches 8-10 inches in height and 16-18 inches in weight at maturity.
- A location with partial shade, full sun to full shade is required for the best growth.
- The variety is known for its small cherry-red flowers in contrast to the dark foliage.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie in between 4-9.
- They are used as edging along paths.
- Flowers can be used for bouquets.
- Can get affected by powdery mildew.
- Weak root systems.
Q1. When does the plant bloom?
Heuchera Paris blooms all summer until frost with a single bloom step lasting for two months.
Q2. Is it a wildlife attracted plant?
No, the plant does not attract any wildlife or deter them.
Q3. What is the dimension of the plant?
The dimensions of the plant are 10 inches in height and 12 inches in width at maturity.
7. Citronelle Yellow Heuchera Plant
Heucheras have bunches of flowers that grow on a long stalk providing textural interest and vibrant color. The delicate flowers stand in absolute proportion and distinction to its citron-yellow foliage. It is often used as edging along in paths due to their low and mounding habit. The foliage tends to endure low and compact right to the ground. The dark green leaves give rise to eternal columns of broad, creamy-white flowers.
- The dimensions of the plant are 10 inches in height and 12 inches in width at maturity.
- The fall season is the best time to grow this plant.
- The yellow non-fragrant flowers need watering when the soil condition is dry.
- Heuchera ‘Citronelle’ is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Coral Bell.
- It is advisable to grow plants within the space of 12 inches apart.
- The plant reaches 8-10 inches in height and 16-18 inches in weight at maturity.
- A location with partial, full sun to full shade is required for the best growth.
- The variety is known for its small creamy-white flowers in contrast to the dark foliage.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie in between 4-9.
- They are used as edging along paths.
- Flowers can be used for bouquets.
- Glowing hues tend to wash out in bright light.
- Easy to grow the plant at home.
Q1. What is the best soil to grow the plant?
The plant grows best in fertile, humusy, medium moisture, well-drained soils.
Q2. What is the growing habit of the plant?
The plant prefers a mounded growing habit throughout the period.
Q3. Is it a ground-cover plant?
Heucheras are good ground covers, resistant to deer, and other small insects.
8. Caramel Heuchera Plant
Heucheras have bunches of flowers that grow on a long stalk providing textural interest and vibrant color. The delicate flowers stand in absolute proportion and distinction to its apricot-hued foliage. It is often used as edging along in paths due to their low and mounding habit. The foliage tends to endure low and compact right to the ground. The dark green leaves give rise to eternal columns of broad, creamy-white flowers.
- The dimensions of the plant are 10 inches in height and 12 inches in width at maturity.
- The fall season is the best time to grow this plant.
- The no-blossom flowers need watering when the soil condition is dry.
- Heuchera ‘Caramel’ is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Coral Bell.
- It is advisable to grow plants within the space of 12 inches apart.
- The plant reaches 8-10 inches in height and 16-18 inches in weight at maturity.
- A location with partial, full sun to full shade is required for the best growth.
- The variety is known for its small apricot-hued flowers in contrast to the dark foliage.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie in between 4-9.
- Used as edging along paths.
- Flowers can be used for bouquets.
- Glowing hues tend to wash out in bright light.
- Powdery mildew.
Q1. Can it be grown in containers?
Heuchera is sturdy inhabit and an excellent plant to grow in containers.
Q2. Is it a shade plant?
Heuchera is shade-loving evergreen shrubs that are used for garden borders, combining bright colors, and for wood gardens.
Q3. What is the climate suitable for its growth?
The plant thrives well in high heat and humid regions.
9. Green Jewel Green Bloom Echinacea Plant
Green Bloom Echinacea Plant is noted for its unique colored coneflower with huge fragrant flowers. The low-maintenance perennial boasts about fragrant blossoms over a long-lasting season and is tolerant of almost anything. The flowers are sturdy and perform best in sunny locations. They are drought tolerant once organized and flexible to heat and infertile soils. Taller cultivars may grow leggy and want to stake if grown in full shade.
- The dimensions of the plant are 36 inches in height and 24 inches in width at maturity.
- The fall season is the best time to grow this plant.
- The green non-fragrant flowers need watering when the soil condition is dry.
- Echinacea Purpurea’ Green Jewel’ is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Cone Flower.
- The plant reaches 20-24 inches in height and 15-18 inches in weight at maturity.
- A location of full sun is required for the best growth.
- The variety is known for its huge fragrant flowers blooming over a long-lasting season.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie in between 4-9.
- Adaptable to infertile soils.
- Pollinator attraction plant.
- Proper pruning at the time of bloom.
Q1. Can the flowers be cut?
The flowers are good for cutting and can be used for bouquets and other ornamental purposes.
Q2. What should be the spacing while growing the plants?
A gap of 12 inches is the recommended space between the plantings.
Q3. What is the dimension of the plant?
The dimensions of the plant are 36 inches in height and 24 inches in width at maturity.
10. Dusty Miller Plant
Dusty Miller Plant never goes out of style with its striking silver foliage and lacy texture throughout the whole growing lesson. This plant is largely planted for its ornamental foliage and is mainly used for landscaping and can make gardens look wonderful. Its velvety, silvery-white foliage presents a pleasant variation and makes for an amazing and unique textural element in landscapes and containers.
- The dimensions of the plant are 10 inches in both height and width at maturity.
- The fall season is the best time to grow this garden attractive plant.
- The no-blossom plant needs watering when the soil condition is dry.
- Senecio Cineraria is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Dusty Miller.
- A location of full sun is required for the best growth.
- The variety is known for its lacy leaves, which are the attractive component for many bloom in the garden.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie in between 8-10.
- Long-lasting and drought-resistant.
- Adaptable in a hot and humid climate.
- Doesn’t grow well in damp and soggy soil.
- Inhibit the growth of weeds.
Q1. When is the best time to prune Dusty Miller?
It is advisable to prune the grown plant in mid to late spring for the best results.
Q2. How tall do these plants grow?
The plants reach up to a maximum of 10-12 inches in height and width at maturity.
Q3. What is the sun-tolerance of the plant?
It prefers full sun for better growth of the plant and will also tolerate part shade.
11. Purple/Blue/Lavender/Pink Creeping Phlox Half Flat Phlox Groundcover
Creeping Phlox has needle-like foliage with small starry five-pointed flowers in vivid colors. This early-spring perennial has excellent use as a ground-cover and persists semi-evergreen still when not in flower. This plant can flower for 3-4-weeks in the middle to late spring. Their dazzling spring flower show is most easily apprehended when they are located on slopes so they can be seen.
- The dimensions of the plant are 6 inches in height and 10 inches in width at maturity.
- Spring season is the best time to grow this deer and rabbit resistant plant.
- The assorted color fragrant flower needs watering when the soil condition is dry.
- Phlox Subulata is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Creeping Phlox.
- A location of full sun is required for the best growth.
- The variety is excellent bedding perennial with early-season pastel color.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie in between 3-9.
- It can be grown over rough, rocky areas.
- It can be grown in walkways or between pavers.
- Thicker growth can cease to produce flowers.
Q1. When does the plant bloom?
Creeping Phlox blooms in spring and provides long, spreading stems, which grow wooden with time.
Q2. What are the colors available in creeping Phlox?
The colors available are red, white, blue, rose, lavender, purple, and in addition to the signature pink color.
Q3. Do the Phlox need full sun?
The plant requires full sun conditions for the best growth.
12. Ever Amethyst Agapanthus with Reblooming Purple Flower Clusters
Ever Amethyst Agapanthus from southern living plant collection is a new arrival perennial. The bright cluster purple flower clusters emerge in spring and rebloom into summer. Each plant is then able to give its flower stalks, and these bush clumps can extend to 2 ft. W, which will expand into clumps of numerous plants. It is suggested to plant them in front of hedges, in foundation plantings, in mixed garden beds or container farmings.
- The dimensions of the plant are 36 inches in height and 24 inches in width at maturity.
- Spring to fall is the best time to grow this disease-resistant plant.
- The purple color non-fragrant flower needs watering twice a week for proper growth.
- Agapanthus Hybrid ‘MP003’ PP30163 is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Lily of the Nile.
- It reaches a height of 2-3 ft at maturity in rich garden soil with a good drainage system.
- A location of full sun to partial shade is required for the best growth.
- The variety is not guaranteed to bloom on arrival.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie between 8-11.
- Disease and pest resistant.
- Very low maintenance plant.
- Crowding issues.
Q1. Is it a fast-growing plant?
Agapanthus is a semi-dwarf, fast-growing and drought-tolerant plant.
Q2. What should be the space between the plantings?
It is recommended to have a spacing of 18 inches for a proper view of the plantings.
Q3. Are there restrictions in some countries for the plants to be shipped?
Due to state law regulations, this plant cannot be exported to AK, HI, PR, GU, or VI.
13. Ever White Agapanthus with Reblooming Brilliant White Flower Clusters
Ever White Agapanthus from southern living plant collection is a new arrival perennial. The bright cluster white flower clusters emerge in spring and rebloom into summer. The semi-dwarf Ever White Agapanthus blooms very quickly and blooms again with multiple spikes of dazzling white flowers. Each plant is then able to give its flower stalks, and these bush clumps can extend to 2 ft. W, which will expand into clumps of numerous plants.
- The dimensions of the plant are 24 inches in height and width at maturity.
- Spring to fall is the best time to grow this disease-resistant plant.
- The white color non-fragrant flower needs watering twice a week for proper growth.
- Agapanthus hybrid ‘WP001 PP27357 is the botanical name for the plant while commonly it is referred to as Lily of the Nile.
- It reaches a height of 1-2 ft at maturity in rich garden soil with a good drainage system.
- A location of full sun to partial shade is required for the best growth.
- The variety is not guaranteed to bloom on arrival and is great to grow in containers, mixed beds, and borders.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie between 8-11.
- Disease and pest resistant.
- Very low maintenance plant.
- Crowding issues.
Q1. What is the approximate shipping size of the plant?
5 in. tall to 9 in. tall with a wider range is the approximate shipping size of the plant.
Q2. What soil is suitable for the plant?
Agapanthus grows properly in rich garden soil with a good drainage system.
Q3. Are there restrictions in some countries for the plants to be shipped?
Due to state law regulations, this plant cannot be exported to AK, HI, PR, GU, or VI.
14. Shadowland Coast to Coast (Hosta) Live Plant, Gold Foliage
Shadowland coast to coast is a striking specimen for the shade garden with puckered golden leaves with curved ends. The mound of thick and gold leaves brightens in the morning during sunlight. Its foliage appears gold in spring and turns lighter gold with a bit more sun appeared in the harvest months, and pale violet flowers bloom in mid-summer. It looks great as container planting in landscapes or as a focal point.
- The dimensions of the plant are 24 inches in height and 32 inches in width at maturity.
- Spring season is the best time to grow this hummingbird attracting plant.
- The purple color non-fragrant flower needs watering twice a week for proper growth.
- Hosta hybrid is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Hosta.
- It reaches 28-30 inches in height and 32-26 inches in width at maturity.
- A location having the full sun to partial shade is required for the best growth.
- Shipment varies along with the season, and 0.65-gallon perennials are 6-14 inches tall.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie between 3-9.
- Most suitable plant for container gardening
- Gold color brightens the morning
- Insect problems may occur
Q1. Does the plant like shade?
Hostas grow well in moist, well-drained, organically enriched soil in full to partial shade.
Q2. How much watering does the plant need?
The amount of water will change throughout the season, and it all depends on the sunlight plant receives.
Q3. Can it be grown in a container?
Yes, Hosta has a mature growth of 2 to 2.5 feet tall and 3 feet wide, which makes it one of an excellent choice for container planting.
15. Ever Twilight Agapanthus with Reblooming White and Violet Blue Flower Clusters
Ever Twilight Agapanthus from southern living plant collection is a new arrival perennial. The bright cluster white and violet-blue flower clusters emerge in spring and rebloom into fall. The semi-dwarf Ever Twilight Agapanthus blooms very quickly and blooms again with multiple spikes of dazzling white flowers. Each plant is then able to give its flower stalks, and these bush clumps can extend to 2 ft. W, which will expand into clumps of numerous plants.
- The dimensions of the plant are 24 inches in height and width at maturity.
- Spring to fall is the best time to grow this disease-resistant plant.
- The white color non-fragrant flower needs watering twice a week for proper growth.
- Agapanthus Hybrida ‘MDB001’ PP30162 is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Lily of the Nile.
- It reaches a height of 1-2 ft at maturity in rich garden soil with a good drainage system.
- A location where there is full sun or partial shade is required for the best growth.
- The variety is not guaranteed to bloom on arrival and is great to grow in containers, mixed beds, and borders.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie between 8-11.
- Disease and pest resistant.
- Very low maintenance plant.
- Crowding issues.
Q1. What is the approximate shipping size of the plant?
5 in. tall to 9 in. tall with a wider range is the approximate shipping size of the plant.
Q2. Is it a fast-growing plant?
Agapanthus is a semi-dwarf, fast-growing and drought-tolerant plant.
Q3. What should be the space between the plantings?
It is recommended to have a spacing of 18 inches for a proper view of the plantings.
16. Vigoro Spanish Lavender Plant
Spanish lavender is long-blooming and fragrant herb distinguished by its unique, striking, beautiful flowers with aromatic silver foliage. This variety endures moisture, unlike most lavender plants. It has unusual flowers that attract butterflies stunning in the perennial border. Spanish lavender flowers resemble small, dark maroon pineapples covered by diversely modified leaves and eucalyptus like fragrance.
- The dimensions of the plant are 18 inches in height and 15 inches in width at maturity.
- Spring to fall is the best time to grow this deer and rabbit resistant plant.
- The purple color fragrant flower needs watering every other week for proper growth.
- Lavandula stoechas is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Lavender Plant.
- It reaches a height of 12-24 inches tall and 15 inches in width at maturity in rich garden soil with a good drainage system.
- A location of full sun is required for the best growth.
- The variety is great to grow in containers, mixed beds, and perennial borders.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie between 7-9.
- Pollinator Attracting plant.
- Dried flowers and leaves can be used for potpourri.
- Reseeds where hardy, need to keep inside in cold weather.
Q1. Is Spanish lavender a perennial plant?
Spanish lavender is a perennial plant in the regions where hardy zone lies in the range between 7-9.
Q2. Can the plant be grown in a container?
Spanish lavender plants can be grown in a container, provided they get enough sunlight for their growth.
Q3. What is the soil condition suitable for this plant?
It is advisable to grow the plant in a region where the soil is light and drains-well.
17. Rainbow Marcella Pink-Coral Bloom Echinacea Plant
Butterfly Rainbow Marcella blossoms finally mature to a raspberry pink shade presenting a magnificent show in any sunny Summer landscape or container. These flowers are compact and heavy bloomers that remain long-lasting and colorful until the first frost. It is a common attraction for butterflies as they flit and flap throughout this pretty plant sipping nectar from the throbbing blooms.
- The dimensions of the plant are 36 inches in height and 24 inches in width at maturity.
- Fall is the best season to grow this plant.
- The pink color non-fragrant flower needs watering when the soil is dry for proper growth.
- Echinacea Purpurpea Hybrid ‘Rainbow Marcella’ is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Cone Flower.
- It reaches a height of 20-24 inches tall and 15-18 inches in width at maturity in rich garden soil with a good drainage system.
- A location of full sun is required for the best growth.
- The first opening appears in tangerine-orange and later blooms to a raspberry-pink shade providing a spectacular show.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie between 4-9.
- Creates a rainbow of colors throughout the growing season.
- Excellent choice to grow in containers.
- Too much fertilizer can lead to root.
Q1. What is the average shipping height of the plant?
The average shipping height is 8 inches for the Rainbow Marcella plant.
Q2. Which color do the blooms appear?
The first opening appears in tangerine-orange and later blooms to a raspberry-pink shade.
Q3. What should be the ideal space between plantings?
It is recommended to give a space of 12 inches between the plantings.
18. Ever Midnight Agapanthus with Reblooming Dark Blue Flower Clusters
Ever Midnight Agapanthus from southern living plant collection is a new arrival perennial. The bright cluster dark violet-blue flower clusters emerge in spring and rebloom into fall. The semi-dwarf Ever Twilight Agapanthus blooms very quickly and blooms again with multiple spikes of dazzling white flowers. Each plant is then able to give its flower stalks, and these bush clumps can extend to 2 ft. W, which will expand into clumps of numerous plants.
- The dimensions of the plant are 36 inches in height and 24 inches in width at maturity.
- Spring to fall is the best time to grow this disease-resistant plant.
- The white color non-fragrant flower needs watering twice a week for proper growth.
- Agapanthus Hybrida ‘MDB001’ PP30162 is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Lily of the Nile.
- It reaches a height of 2-3 ft at maturity in rich garden soil with a good drainage system.
- A location of full sun to partial shade is required for the best growth.
- The variety is not guaranteed to bloom on arrival and is great to grow in containers, mixed beds, and borders.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie between 8-11.
- Disease and pest resistant
- Very low maintenance plant
- Crowding issues
Q1. What soil is suitable for the plant?
Agapanthus grows properly in rich garden soil with a good drainage system.
Q2. What is the average shipping height of the plant?
The average shipping height of the plant is six inches.
19. Berry Smoothie Pink Bloom Heuchera Plant
Heuchera adds charm and red tone to your front borders and edges. The easy to grow plant blend well in the landscape providing textural interest and lively color. The small white flowers stand in perfect proportion to the metallic rose-pink foliage. The gently-lobed leaves make a low mound in a red-brown tint, with bigger stems to salmon bell flowers arriving in late spring and early summer.
- The dimensions of the plant are 10 inches in height and 12 inches in width at maturity.
- The fall season is the best time to grow this plant.
- The pink non-fragrant flowers need watering when the soil condition is dry.
- Heuchera ‘Berry Smoothie’ is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Coral Bell.
- It is advisable to grow plants within the space of 12 inches apart.
- The plant reaches 8-10 inches in height and 16-18 inches in weight at maturity.
- A location with partial sun to full shade is required for the best growth.
- The variety is known for its small white flowers in contrast to the dark rose-pink foliage.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie in between 4-9.
- Used as edging along paths.
- Flowers used for ornamental purposes.
- Can frost heave during winters.
Q1. What is the growing habit of the plant?
Heuchera ‘Berry Smoothie’ has a mounded growing habit in hardy zones of range 4-9.
Q2. What should be the space between the plantings?
The recommended space between the plantings is 12 inches.
Q3. Is it a shade plant?
Heuchera is shade-loving evergreen shrubs that are used for garden borders, combining bright colors, and for wood gardens.
20. Shadowland Waterslide (Hosta) Live Plant, Blue Foliage
Shadowland Waterslide is a striking specimen for the shade garden with puckered golden leaves with curved ends. The mound of thick and gold leaves brightens in the morning during sunlight. Its foliage appears gold in spring and turns lighter gold with a bit more sun appeared in the harvest months, and pale violet flowers bloom in mid-summer. It looks great as container planting in landscapes or as a focal point.
- The dimensions of the plant are 15 inches in height and 32 inches in width at maturity.
- Spring season is the best time to grow this hummingbird attracting plant.
- The purple color non-fragrant flower needs watering twice a week for proper growth.
- Hosta is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly also it is referred to as the same.
- It reaches 14-15 inches in height and 30-32 inches in width at maturity.
- A location of full sun to partial shade is required for the best growth.
- Shipment varies along with the season, and 0.65-gallon perennials are 6-14 inches tall.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie between 3-9.
- Most suitable plant for container gardening.
- Very low-maintenance.
- Insect problems may occur.
Q1. What are the dimensions of the plant?
The dimensions of the plant are 15 inches in height and 32 inches in width at maturity.
Q2. How much watering does the plant need?
The amount of water will change throughout the season, and it all depends on the sunlight plant receives.
Q3. Can it be grown in a container?
Yes, Hosta has a mature growth of 2 to 2.5 feet tall and 3 feet wide, which makes it one of an excellent choice for container planting.
21. Quart Autumn Joy Sedum (Stonecrop) Live Hardy Perennial with Pink Flower Clusters
Autumn Joy Sedum is a sturdy perennial which produces pink flower clusters and blooms age to a rich burgundy-red. The succulent leaves are scale-shaped with a light-green hue. Pink flowers first arrive in early fall in the form of flat clumps of tiny flowers that slowly open through fall to produce reddish clusters that gradually turn bronze and rust-red. This drought-tolerant plant is deciduous in colder areas and evergreen in warmer areas.
- The dimensions of the plant are 24 inches in both height and width at maturity.
- Spring to fall season is the best time to grow this butterfly-attracting plant.
- The pink color non-fragrant flower needs watering twice a week for proper growth.
- Sedum Spectabile ‘Autumn Joy’ is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Sedum.
- It reaches 18-24 inches in height at maturity.
- A location of full sun to partial shade is required for the best growth.
- The variety is known for its Perennial, succulent, and hardy features.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie between 4-11.
- Practically, the plant takes care of itself
- Ideal for container gardening
- Die to the ground in winter
- Pest Concerns
Q1. Is it a drought-tolerant plant?
Autumn Joy Sedum is a drought-tolerant plant with very low-maintenance, which is ideal for landscapes.
Q2. What soil is suitable for the plant?
The plant grows well in moist soil or average garden soil with good drainage.
Q3. Are there any state restrictions for the shipping of the plant?
Due to state laws, this plant cannot be exported to AK, HI, GU, VI or PR
22. Ever Sapphire Agapanthus with Reblooming Violet Blue Flower Clusters
Ever Sapphire Agapanthus from southern living plant collection is a new arrival perennial. The bright cluster dark violet-blue flower clusters emerge in spring and rebloom into summer. The semi-dwarf Ever Twilight Agapanthus blooms very quickly and blooms again with multiple spikes of dazzling blue flowers. Each plant is then able to give its flower stalks, and these bush clumps can extend to 2 ft. W, which will expand into clumps of numerous plants.
- The dimensions of the plant are 24 inches in both height and width at maturity.
- Spring to fall is the best time to grow this disease-resistant plant.
- The blue color non-fragrant flower needs watering twice a week for proper growth.
- Agapanthus hybrid ANDbin PP26336 is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Lily of the Nile.
- It reaches a height of 1-2ft at maturity in rich garden soil with a good drainage system.
- A location of full sun to partial shade is required for the best growth.
- The variety is not guaranteed to bloom on arrival and is great to grow in containers, mixed beds, and borders.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie between 8-11.
- Disease and pest resistant.
- Very low maintenance plant.
- Crowding issues.
Q1. What soil is suitable for the plant?
Agapanthus grows properly in rich garden soil with a good drainage system.
Q2. What is the growing habit of the plant?
Ever Sapphire Agapanthus has a mounded growing habit in the region of hardy zones lying between 8-11.
23. Shadowland Seducer (Hosta) Live Plant, Green, and Gold Foliage
Shadowland Seducer is a striking specimen for the shade garden with puckered golden leaves with curved ends. The mound of thick and gold leaves brightens in the morning during sunlight. Its foliage appears gold in spring and turns lighter gold with a bit more sun appeared in the harvest months, and light lavender flowers bloom in mid-summer. It looks great as container planting in landscapes or as a focal point.
- The dimensions of the plant are 22 inches in height and 34 inches in width at maturity.
- Spring season is the best time to grow this low-maintenance plant.
- The purple color non-fragrant flower needs watering twice a week for proper growth.
- Hosta hybrid is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Hosta.
- It reaches 22-26 inches in height and 34-36 inches in width at maturity.
- A location of full sun to partial shade is required for the best growth.
- Shipment varies along with the season, and 0.65-gallon perennials are 6-14 inches tall.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie between 3-9.
- Most suitable plant for container gardening.
- Gold color brightens the morning.
- Insect problems may occur.
Q1. What are the dimensions of the plant?
The dimensions of the plant are 22 inches in height and 34 inches in width at maturity.
Q2. What should be the space between the plantings?
The recommended space between the plantings is 34-36 inches.
Q3. When does the plant bloom?
Shadowland Seducer blooms from late summer to late fall.
24. Quart Satin and Lace Red Chiffon Coreopsis (Tickseed) Live Native Perennial Plant with Red and Yellow Flowers
Satin and Lace Red Chiffon Coreopsis is a popular perennial which lightens the garden and containers with creamy red and yellow appearance. The blooms are especially yielding, and the customer can create their cut-flower arrangements. This deciduous shrub dies back to the ground in winter and return and are evergreen in warmer zones. It is often used in mass plantings container gardens, natural garden beds, and borders.
- The dimensions of the plant are 18 inches in height and 24 inches in width at maturity.
- Spring to fall season is the best time to grow this deer-resistant plant.
- The red-colored non-fragrant flowers need watering twice a week under full sunlight.
- Coreopsis ‘Red Chiffon’ PP27528 is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Tickseed.
- The plant reaches 18 inches in height and 24 inches in weight at maturity.
- A location with full sun in moist soils with good drainage is required for better growth.
- The variety is known for its light and fragile foliage that creates a notably bright appearance.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie in between 4-9.
- The surety of blooming on arrival is not guaranteed.
- Heat and Humidity tolerant.
- Low-maintenance plant.
- Delicate Stems.
Q1. What should be the ideal space to grow the plant?
It is advisable to grow plants within the space of 12 inches apart.
Q2. Can the flowers be used for decoration purposes?
The incredibly plentiful flowers can be cut for making bouquets and other floral arrangements.
Q3. What is the water requirement for the plant?
It is recommended to water the plant twice a week for its proper growth.
25. PowWow Wild Berry Echinacea (Cone Flower), Live Native Perennial Plant with Pink-Purple Flowers
Wild Berry Echinacea Plant is noted for its unique color coneflower with huge fragrant flowers. The low-maintenance perennial boasts about fragrant blossoms over a long-lasting season and is tolerant of almost anything. The purple-pink flowers are sturdy and perform best in sunny locations. They are drought tolerant once organized and flexible to heat and infertile soils. Taller cultivars may grow leggy and want to stake if grown in full shade.
- The dimensions of the plant are 20 inches in height and 16 inches in width at maturity.
- Spring to fall season is the best time to grow this plant.
- The pink non-fragrant flowers need watering twice a week for proper growth.
- Echinacea Purpurea ‘PAS702917’ is the botanical name for the plant, while commonly, it is referred to as Cone Flower.
- The plant reaches 15-20 inches in height and 12-16 inches in weight at maturity.
- A location of full sun is required for the best growth.
- The variety is known for its huge fragrant flowers blooming over a long-lasting season.
- It is advisable to check the USDA zones to ensure the range of hardy zones to lie in between 3-9.
- Adaptable to infertile soils.
- Pollinator attraction plant.
- Few Disease concerns.
Q1. What soil condition is suitable for the plant?
The plant grows well in fertile soil with a good drainage system.
Q2. When does the plant bloom?
The purple flowers bloom from early summer into fall.
Q3. What is the growing habit of the plant?
The plant has a clumping growing habit in the region of hardy zones lying between 3-9.
If your backyard is looking empty, it’s now time to fill those areas with some bright blooms and contrast leaves. Thriving in average to rich moistened soil, these plants enjoy covering up the sun from late spring into summer. All the above-mentioned plants are of low-maintenance that will add color and texture to your landscape by to its flowers and foliage. Sun and shade perennials are the most reliable choices with easy maintenance required. Only a little work from you is needed once it is established in your garden!