10 Scary Halloween Costume Ideas

It’s already Halloween and you haven’t prepared for the party yet? We will tell you about how to get creepy and creative in celebrating the scariest night of autumn.
To hold an unforgettable party, you will need nothing at all: time, desire and improvised materials. When creating a frightening atmosphere for the whole holiday and its small, but very scary details, it is worth considering 10 main ideas:
Scary Halloween Costume Idea#1- Bloody suit
Want to impress your friends? Make your image as bloody as possible – let you be a zombie, a vampire, a bride or a doctor, you will only make it worse with fake blood (in a good sense of the word).
Scary Halloween Costume Idea#2- Not a bloody suit
Anyone who is afraid of the sight of blood or does not like to get dirty – a different kind of costume is perfect. On this night, you should transform into witches, nuns, devils, animals and other creatures.
Scary Halloween Costume Idea#3- Quick suit
No time to build something ingenious? Not scary! Blood can be imitated with the help of ketchup or red lipstick, but torn tights with blood stains will pass for a well-thought-out thing.
Scary Halloween Costume Idea#4- Tissue damage
Any simulated cuts, bites, wounds or open fractures on the body will give your costume the spice you need on this day. A very simple recipe for making “fake blood” will help you with this:
• 0.5 l of sugar syrup
• 100 drops of red food coloring
• 1/4 cup water
• 1/4 cup sifted flour or cornstarch
• 8 drops blue food coloring
If the script does not avoid getting blood in the eyes, then it is better to make it from sugar syrup and dye E122 (it is in kits for dyeing Easter eggs).
Scary Halloween Costume Idea#5- Makeup
It should emphasize your costume as brightly as possible, but nevertheless, make a separate intimidating impression. In scary Halloween makeup, black shadows and pencils, foundation, pale powder, blush, non-toxic skin glue (PVA can be used), napkins are most often used. Depends on the effect you are looking for.
Scary Halloween Costume Idea#6- Pumpkin
Bring a Jack-O-Lantern with you! The most popular attribute of this holiday will not only complement your image, but also emphasize your knowledge of the traditions of the holiday.
Scary Halloween Costume Idea#7- Accessories
They play one of the main roles in the Halloween performance. Don’t forget about additions to your costume. For example, the image of a witch should be complemented with a broom, a cap, an apple, scary nails and warts on her face.
Scary Halloween Costume Idea#8- Weapons
Why don’t you take an aspen stake with you!? Especially if you go to a party dressed as a nun. Such a detail will surely surprise your friends.
Scary Halloween Costume Idea#9- Strange view
At worst, make-up smeared on the cheeks, disheveled hair, with leaves caught on them and a torn children’s toy will help to attract attention. With good acting data, you can pretend to be crazy.
Scary Halloween Costume Idea#10- Any unusual thing
You can take any item that suits the subject – be it a bible, a cross or a bottle of sacred water. If you are ready for more, your detail may be completely illogical in this context, for example, a net with bottles, a trash can or a pig’s head.